Welcome to the Neurovisual Science Technology
NEST is a science-based enterprise that operates in the Neurovisual Science and Bio computing field.
NEST’s mission consists in gathering advanced knowledge on neurovisual issues and supplying public and private institutions with it. The main interlocutors of NEST are Universities, Industry, Research Centres, Hospitals, Foundations, and Non-profit Institutions.
In 2005, Nest was selected among the top business model of "Spinlab", a technological incubator of the "Mediterranean University Consortium for the spin-off of high technologies".
This organization was created thanks to the collaboration of Catania University and Sviluppo Italia Sicilia S.p.a. in order to make the most out of the results of academic research and to create high tech enterprises.
The demand for providing a techno scientific cooperation between Neuroscience and Visual Science needed the creation of Nest that works in following main ways:
- Developing and undertaking collaborative studies, where academics and partners bring ideas and research skills together to develop projects which will produce high quality findings,
- Providing methodological expertise to develop high quality, fundable research proposals
- Providing targeted post-graduate high level training to promote research in visual science
- Carrying out commissioned research by public and private