Comments about TRIO Initiative
Professor Nicolas Bazan, MD, PhD, School of Medicine,Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, USA
Caterina Gagliano, MD, PhD, Scientific Director of Neurovisual Science Technology (NEST) Catania, Italy – Organizer of TRIO Conference
“Dear Caterina,
I am writing to congratulate you on the clear success of the TRIO meeting. Your vision and wishes were fulfill and you have set up a foundation of strength for the future. You are unique in Italy and in Europe. Actually there are not initiatives like yours anywhere else. I am sure that NEST will prosper and that you will positively impact health care and sight of people in Italy. Thank you for allowing me to contribute to this very successful event.
Warmest regards,
Professor Nicolas Bazan, MD, PhD, School of Medicine,Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, USA
Luigi Pulvirenti, MD, PhD, Director of Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies visual (NSAS) San Quirico d’Orcia, Siena, Italy – Promotor of TRIO Initiative
“Dear Luigi,
I would like to thank you for your support, active presence and commitment to the TRIO meeting just held at your site in beautiful San Quirico d’Orcia. We are all thank full to you and to Livia. My involvement with this event stems from my participation at your school in 2011 when I met Caterina .You truly foster the beginning of my interactions with her and you are responsible for the very successful outcome of this initial meeting. Caterina had a very good idea, and I am happy and proud to have helped her crystallize it into reality. However you did a phenomenal job to make it happen. I want once more to thank you very much for your major contributions.
Warmest regards,
Professor Carlos Belmonte M.D., Ph.D.
Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante
Universidad Miguel Hernández-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Avda. Ramón y Cajal s/n
03550 San Juan de Alicante (Spain)
Caterina Gagliano, MD, PhD, Scientific Director of Neurovisual Science Technology (NEST) Catania, Italy – Organizer of TRIO Conference
“Dear Caterina, I was very favourably impressed by the idea behind the conference of dedicating these three days to discuss hot issues in eye research that can be approached translationally, and of mixing people with different professional approaches and points of view. I learned many new things and found useful ideas for future collaboration with some of the participants. In my view, the conference evidenced that the TRIO initiative is an excellent frame to facilitate joint work between basic research groups, clinicians and industry.”
Carlos Belmonte
Dr. Friedrich Paulsen, MD
Professor and Head of Department II (Anatomy and Cell Biology)
Institute of Anatomy
Secretary Anatomische Gesellschaft
Secretary General International Federation of Associations of Anatomy - University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Universitätsstraße 19
91054 Erlangen
“Dear Caterina,
again I would like to congratulate you to this wonderful meeting in San Quirico d'Orcia which Ulrike and I enjoyed very much. The talks were really interesting and stimulating and it was a great experience to meet all the people from university and the companies. Several new contacts and probably also some very interesting new collaborations were initiated. Really great. Also the location and the time frame were really great! Thank you very much for inviting me.
I look very much forward to hear from you how we go on with this exciting collaboration.
Letizia Marrazzo, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow at Dep. of Clinical and Molecular Biomedicine Sec. of Ocular Pharmacology, University of Catania, Città Universitaria, Ed. 2, Viale A. Doria 6
Buondì Caterina,
volevo congratularmi con te perché non credevo fosse possibile organizzare un evento di questa entità in Italia. Ho acquisito una marea di informazioni. Non mi sentivo così da tempo. Spero di riuscire ad essere parte integrante e di contribuire in qualche modo, nel mio piccolo, al "decollo" del NEST.